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Setting the gold standard for online medical letters and exceptional patient care

Setting the gold standard for online medical letters and exceptional patient care

Over 40,000 medical letters verified and issued, saving the NHS over 10,000 hours

Our medical and ethical code of practice

This article outlines the key pillars of ZoomDoc’s commitment to providing online medical letters, showing our dedication to achieve and set the gold standard in this industry. We focus on core principles of authenticity and integrity, such as identity and evidence verification through video uploads and medical documentation, red flag detection and handling thereof, safety, safeguarding, medical follow-up – and maintaining continuity of care, by working with (not replacing) the patient’s usual NHS GP surgery.



Technology has changed healthcare for the better, enabling patients to access medical services online and get medical assistance virtually. Patients are no longer reliant on face-to-face in-person appointments in order to get a prescription, second opinion, specialist referral or medical letter with a two-week wait. As a pioneering company in this space, ZoomDoc aims to help relieve pressure on NHS services while recognising that patient safety is paramount and the highest standards must be met at every step of our online medical letters service. Our Code of Practice therefore sets out a thorough and comprehensive set of guidelines to ensure the integrity, professionalism and validity of our services.


Verification via video evidence and medical documentation

In order to uphold the credibility of our medical letters, ZoomDoc places a strong emphasis on the verification process. By implementing a series of steps that must be taken and completed, such as uploading secure video evidence, our fully qualified and licensed medical professionals must conduct a thorough examination and consultation using both visual evidence and medical documentation. This two-pronged requirement helps with accuracy in the diagnosis and fosters trust between the doctor and the patient, cementing ZoomDoc as the trustworthy healthcare provider that we are.


Identity verification

A critical aspect of our Code of Practice is that no medical letter will be issued without confirming the identity of the patient. We employ robust identity verification protocols to safeguard against potential fraud or misuse of our services. This step not only protects the patient but also contributes to the overall reputation, integrity and security of our platform.


Patient safety

ZoomDoc prioritises patient safety via our comprehensive safety netting system. Our doctors are trained to recognise potential red flags and risks during consultations. By employing a proactive and human approach to safety, we aim to minimise the chances of oversight and maximise the accuracy, compassion and professionalism of our care service.



Our customers are our patients and, in addition to their safety and privacy, their welfare (mental health and wellbeing) is paramount. ZoomDoc’s safeguarding measures extend to protecting vulnerable individuals, showing our commitment to patient welfare.  We maintain stringent policies to identify and address cases of potential harm, abuse or suicidal thoughts or attempts, ensuring that our platform remains a secure and supportive environment for all patients.


Understanding our limitations

ZoomDoc medical letters fulfil a specific requirement for the patient who requires a note, letter or certificate for employment, travel or insurance purposes. We therefore recognise and understand our limitations as a speciality service offering online medical consultations, via remote access.

As well as recognising our limitations, we communicate openly about them in order to manage patient expectations of the service. For instance, while ZoomDoc strives to deliver comprehensive care through video medical evidence, certain aspects of healthcare, such as hands-on examinations, are not possible remotely.

It is important for patients to understand that, due to these limitations, there may be circumstances where specific medical letters cannot be provided through our platform. This is made clear within online descriptions of our product and services, in order to make sure patients have a clear understanding of what’s possible and what may not be.


Put patients first

ZoomDoc recognises the importance of ongoing care beyond the initial consultation. Our Code of Practice shows our commitment to providing patients with relevant health advice to their diagnosis or complaint as well as offering recommendations for further action. This human and compassionate approach is in line with NHS training and GMC qualifications and ensures that our patients are always treated as patients first, not simply as customers, continuing their journey well-informed about their health and able to make informed decisions.


Continuity of care

To mirror traditional in-person care, ZoomDoc places a strong emphasis on continuity of care. We collaborate with the patient’s registered NHS GP surgeries, providing them with updates for the patient’s medical record and any relevant documentation. This link-up ensures that our private service works collaboratively with the NHS, helping not hindering the patient’s current and future care requirements.



ZoomDoc’s commitment to excellence and adhering to the highest standards for online medical letters service is reflected in our Code of Practice. By focusing on key pillars of importance, such as verification, identity protection, safety, safeguarding, follow-up care, and collaboration with NHS GP surgeries, we set the gold standard for remote healthcare services. As healthcare continues to adapt and evolve in line with ever-advancing technology and population demands, ZoomDoc remains at the forefront, fully dedicated to providing accessible, reliable, and high-quality medical services – with compassionate care at its centre – to patients across the world.

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