When you take out insurance at the same time as buying event tickets, for most people, the assumption is that you are now covered regardless. But, what many people don’t realise is that in most cases, your insurance is worthless – unless you can prove that you were prevented from attending for one of the reasons stated in the Ts and Cs. And when it comes to illness, most insurers will accept nothing less than a medical certificate.
What is an activity or event cancellation letter?
It depends on how severe your sickness is, and how willing you are to possibly lose the cost of the ticket
Attending events, like shows or concerts, or taking the family on activities can be really expensive. Event ticket prices have sky rocked – Taylor Swift’s 2024 Eras tour tickets reached a breath-taking £194.75 per person for standard entry. And this means that more people are clicking ‘yes’ to that £3 insurance offer when they book online. Because, with the cost-of-living crisis and other financial strains, who can afford to lose that much money? The problem is that many people don’t look at the terms and conditions of the insurance offer. And it’s only when they need to actually make a claim that they realise what’s involved. And that usually means providing proof. An activity or event cancellation letter will provide the medical evidence you need to ensure that your insurance claim is taken seriously.
What can you use an activity or event cancellation letter for?
Being unable to attend an event or take part in an activity, you may require a medical certificate to cancel or reschedule your arrangements.
If you have an illness or injury that prevents you from attending an event or activity that you have paid for, you may be able to use a medical letter to claim your cash back. This will usually apply when you have paid insurance to cover the event. Whether you are claiming through an individual event insurance firm, or as part of your broader holiday insurance. In some cases, activity or event cancellation letters can also help with uninsured activities delivered by independent suppliers, such as theme parks. In this case, the letter will usually enable you to reschedule the activity.
When might you need an activity or event cancellation letter?
It’s always wise to review the terms and conditions of your insurance or booking before requesting an activity or event cancellation letter. However, in most cases, if you have an illness or injury that would either prevent you from travelling to the event or participating in the activity – whether that’s a broken leg, COVID-19, or something more serious – most doctors will be willing to issue a medical certificate for your insurer.
How can you get an activity or event cancellation letter?
There are a couple of ways that you can gain an activity or event cancellation letter. If you’re not in a hurry, you should be able to arrange an appointment with your GP, and in most cases they will issue a letter within a few weeks. If time is more pressing, then you can organise a digital letter. With Zoomdoc, you simply need to upload your evidence, for review by one of our registered GPs. If they need more information, they will organised a video call with you on the same day – providing that you submit your request before 9pm. If they can see that your claim is valid, they will then issue your medical certificate before 9pm that day. In the event that your claim is deemed not to be valid, then you will receive a full refund.
Events and activities are a genuine treat right now. When money is tight for all, no one can afford to waste cash on activities that they weren’t able to enjoy. Activity or event cancellation letters are there to help ensure that you can get what’s due to you when the unexpected happens. That’s why, at ZoomDoc, we do our best to make the process as simple as possible.
Find out more about organising your activity or event cancellation letters with ZoomDoc.